This post is really an effort to comfort myself after experiencing something of a late night conniption fit while on a business trip. The goals of the trip were many but my role was simple, assist our Solution Architect in un-buggering a few problems at a client site in North Carolina. The buggering I’m referring to was frustrating bad performance of our product.
Our product is an enterprise web-based solution for solving complex print workflows. Due to the sensitivity of the data, our product is run on-prem by our customers, and air-gapped from other networks. Ever wonder how your bank statements, cell phone bills, or even your IRS statements are printed, stuffed, mailed, and tracked? We’ll those are the sorts of strangely exciting problems we work with. I’m not being facetious here… this can be some seriously honest-fun.
I was sitting in my hotel room bed with my laptop propped open on my lap, it was around 2 am, and I had a bad horror movie playing on the TV set, a Colorado beer near at hand, and my in-room jacuzzi was slowly filling with hot water… don’t ask, I tend to get into the zone when there’s background distraction (I’ve always blamed it on my ADD).
At 9am my colleague wanted to begin a series of load tests to begin zeroing in on the problem areas. The script I was working on would provide the means to throw seriously large amounts of data at the customers systems, we wanted to observe the systems when they were churning hard.
import os... do a bunch of fairly nifty stuff...
... do a whole lot more nifty stuff, before being mean to the server...
The script was meant to unzip an archive, modify several of the unzipped files, and then do nasty things to the servers by injecting the files into parts of our workflow. What was perplexing me was that the script seemed to work fine most of the time. Large zip files (2+ gb) seemed to illicit perplexing behavior sometimes. After being confused for awhile, it appeared that the unzipping wouldn’t quite finish before the remainder of the script would start to run. Before I go much further I should add some constraints to this exercise, I am stuck with Java 1.4 and Jython 2.5.0.
It made sense to try for a solution confined to Python’s api instead of reaching out to the OS. A solution that still still didn’t work for my needs (code snippet credit goes to Corey Goldberg. Jython (at least2.5.1) cannot handle large files,, Java OutOfMemory Error is thrown.
import zipfile
file_handler = open('', 'rb')
zip_files = zipfile.ZipFile(file_handler)
for name in zip_files.namelist():
outfile = open(name, 'wb')
Time to try hacking something together in Java since I can harness the power of Java in Jython (code snippet credit goes to java_geek on StackOverflow). Again I was faced with an out of memory error due to the limitation of the runtime environment… aargh!
public class UnZip {
final int BUFFER = 4096;
public static void main (String argv[]) {
try {
BufferedOutputStream dest = null;
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(argv[0]);
ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(fis));
ZipEntry entry;
while((entry = zis.getNextEntry()) != null) {
System.out.println("Extracting: " +entry);
int count;
byte data[] = new byte[BUFFER];
// write the files to the disk
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(entry.getName());
dest = new BufferedOutputStream(fos, BUFFER);
while ((count =, 0, BUFFER)) != -1) {
dest.write(data, 0, count);
} catch(Exception e) {
The quick fix that I ended up implementing was to explicitly shell out a subprocess to ensure the command finished running. This was suboptimal but I was tired.
import subprocess
unzip_file = subprocess.Popen("unzip " + "", shell=True)
After getting home from the trip I came across this solution (credit goes to S.Lott on StackOverflow. Much cleaner and OS agnostic.
import zipfile
import zlib
import ossrc = open( doc, "rb" )
zf = zipfile.ZipFile( src )
for m in zf.infolist(): # Examine the header
print m.filename, m.header_offset, m.compress_size, repr(m.extra), repr(m.comment) m.header_offset ) 30 ) # Good to use struct to unpack this.
nm= len(m.filename) )
if len(m.extra) > 0: ex= len(m.extra) )
if len(m.comment) > 0: cm= len(m.comment) ) # Build a decompression object
decomp= zlib.decompressobj(-15) # This can be done with a loop reading blocks
out= open( m.filename, "wb" )
result= decomp.decompress( m.compress_size ) )
out.write( result )
result = decomp.flush()
out.write( result )
# end of the loop