This isn’t actually a eulogy .. I just wanted to show Alex some visuals on the hardware that is running I’ve run my primary site from this little beast for years (previously on a PII box running FreeBSD). It wasn’t a problem until I started working at Mozilla. I now get enough page hits that the lights dim at my apartment and the special lady friend, my partner, complains that the Internet noticeably slows. This happens whenever I submit a post and more than a handful of people decide to read it.

I’m keeping the box and domain for dev/play purposes (no you can’t have the domain name … unless you want to swap something fun for it … I do like good beer from foreign countries or chew toys for my cat). I originally snagged the domain when I was a Psychology geek, Freecog == free cognition. I had the lofty goal of blogging about cognitive neuroscience. At least for for the time being life has spun me into the domain of computer science. Specs:
- Asus Eee PC 1000H
- 1.7 GHz Intel Atom processor
- 2 gigs of ram
- 180 gig harddrive
- Ubuntu Server 11.10
- Dyndns