Jython and unzip drama

This post is really an effort to comfort myself after experiencing something of a late night conniption fit while on a business trip. The goals of the trip were many but my role was simple, assist our Solution Architect in un-buggering a few problems at a client site in North Carolina. The buggering I’m referring to was frustrating bad performance of our product. Our product is an enterprise web-based solution for solving complex print workflows. Due to the sensitivity of the data, our product is run on-prem by our customers, and air-gapped from other networks. Ever wonder how your bank statements, cell phone bills, or even your IRS statements are printed, stuffed, mailed, and tracked? We’ll those are the sorts of strangely exciting problems we work with. I’m not being facetious here… this can be some seriously honest-fun. ...

October 12, 2010 · 4 min · Matt Brandt

A Little Webdriver Toss in Some Craigslist

A while ago I caught a wild hair to create a program to scrape CraigsList for tech jobs. Chris McMahon, fellow friend and creative QA extraordinaire is credited with turning me onto this idea. He created essentially the same script but in ruby, what a crazy simple notion. I tend to spend most of time in Python so I thought I’d jump ship back to my Java roots and try my hand at my own implementation. ...

August 3, 2010 · 2 min · Matt Brandt

A Kindle arrives at our house

Not so long ago I would have cringed a lot harder than I am right now at the thought of buying an eReader. I adore books, I love the smell, the feel, and the way they look decorating my book shelves. I’m also one of those offensive people who will write in the margins of my books… especially technical or science/math books. I will be that offensive person you see in the coffee shop marring his books with a pen. ...

July 1, 2010 · 2 min · Matt Brandt